Things we do for services: (if you are executing your own service feel free to use this as a checklist for getting things done)
- Coordinate with clergy to schedule and reserve venue; arrange meeting with clergy for family to discuss service details (i.e. music performance, songs, verse readings, eulogy readings, ensuring appropriate audio visual equipment is available if needed, etc.).
- Coordinate with the venue for food preparation and serving, and ensure appropriate honorariums are paid.
- Contact and schedule any musicians, distribute musical selections to them, and ensure appropriate honorariums are paid.
- Prepare printed memorial folders, register books, donation cards, thank you cards, or any other printed service material, if needed.
- Order flowers and arrange them at the church or venue in advance of the service.
- Stage the venue with tissue boxes, flower stands, display tables, picture easels, podiums, etc.
- Set up display items (portrait, flowers, photo boards, memorabilia, etc.), register book, memorial folders, and donation box.
- Disperse honorariums to all participants beforehand (i.e. clergy, organists and other musicians, food preparers, honor guard, gravedigger).
- Greet people at the door; assist with any elderly or disabled that need assistance with entry or seating.
- Coordinate and usher the flow of people, making sure the service starts on time and runs smoothly.
- Take an attendance count for the food preparers during the service to ensure appropriate table set-ups.
- Move any display items to reception area.
- Secure and deliver donation box and cards when services are completed.
- Arrange for flowers to be taken by family after the service.
- General cleanup of chapel after services are complete.